1. Dillon from the film Predator
Reasons to like:
• Had an arm wrestling match with Dutch while standing up, with oiled-up, flexing biceps
• Fro-stash
• Despite being in a bug-ridden jungle with scratchy, poisonous vines and stinging things, he never buttoned up his army shirt. It was always unbuttoned, and it was always awesome.
One tough mother f'er. Even though the CIA had him pushing too many pencils, he was still quite capable in the jungle.
2. Bob Dylan
Reasons to like:
• The Times They Are A-Changin'
3. Matt Dillon
Reasons to like:
• Was Cliff Poncier, the frontman of the fictional Seattle band Citizen Dick (with the ever-catchy single, Touch Me I'm Dick)
• "Exceptional my ass." –Pat Healy in Something About Mary
I would also add to Matt Dillon reason to like, his accidental out-loud giggle while he was listening in to Mary's girlfriends banter about 10-inch D's.